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Life coaching
for people who are unhappy at work 
that takes you to focus, fulfilment and freedom.

Does this sound like you?


You feel stressed, suffocated and drained because of work.


You see everything through a negative lens. You lose perspective and just feel miserable.


You can see yourself playing a role, hiding who you really are, which takes so much of your energy.


You are not being heard or seen by your boss or your colleagues. You feel like you don’t count, even though you put so much effort in your work.


At home the negative thoughts don't stop. You are no longer able to relax and you don't sleep well.


You have allies at work. They are a great support, but the constant moaning adds to the negativity and makes you feel worse. 


You snap at your family a lot. Friends are completely fed up with your work stories.

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You feel paralysed, stuck

and you really don’t know

what to do.

You have listened to the advice of friends, but it is very hard for them to be objective and tell you the truth.

You have looked at videos on the internet, but all that turned up was generic and didn’t really apply to you.

You have read self development books on finding purpose, but you haven’t found it yet.

You tried different ways to approach your boss or your colleagues, but none of it helped.

You have been peeking at job adverts, but you have no idea what you want or how to go about it.

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